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Team Guyot's docked in the Hague before the start of Leg 7 of the Ocean Race 2023//© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Gauthier Lebec
© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Gauthier Lebec

Ocean Race Etappe 7 - 2023

By Matthew Crowe  -  22 May 2024

Auf der letzten Etappe des Ocean Race kam es zu einer dramatischen Kollision und einem spannenden Rennen, an dessen Ende ein unerwarteter Sieger stand.

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Square image of a member from Team Guyot in action while at sea during the sixth leg of the Ocean Race 2023. Square image of a member from Team Guyot in action while at sea during the sixth leg of the Ocean Race 2023.//© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Gauthier Lebec
© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Gauthier Lebec

Ocean Race Etappe 6 - 2023

By Matthew Crowe  -  22 May 2024

Die intensive Küstenetappe des Ocean Race stellte die Teams vor taktische Herausforderungen, enge Kanäle und unvorhersehbare Winde.

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Square image of the Team Guyot boat being brought in to port after losing their rig at the end of Leg 4//© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Charles Drapeau Square image of the Team Guyot boat being brought in to port after losing their rig at the end of Leg 4//© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Charles Drapeau
© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Charles Drapeau

Ocean Race Etappe 5 - 2023

By Matthew Crowe  -  22 May 2024

Die Intensität von The Ocean Race erreicht in der 5. Etappe einen neuen Höhepunkt, mit einem harten Wettbewerb und rekordverdächtigen Geschwindigkeiten.

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Square image of team Biotherm, Holcim, 11th Hour Racing and Guyot boats at sea during the Ocean Race 2023//© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Sailing Energy Team Biotherm, Holcim, 11th Hour Racing and Guyot boats at sea during the Ocean Race 2023//© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Sailing Energy
© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Sailing Energy

Ocean Race Etappe 4 - 2023

By Matthew Crowe  -  22 May 2024

Navigationstechnische Herausforderungen, brutale Stürme und ein intensives Duell in Newport. Lesen Sie hier den spannenden Bericht über Etappe 4!

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Square image of a member of team Holcim - PRB working on the boat during the Ocean Race 2023.//© Team Holcim - PRB | Anne Beauge Member of team Holcim - PRB working on the boat during the Ocean Race 2023.//© Team Holcim - PRB | Anne Beauge
© Team Holcim - PRB | Anne Beauge

Ocean Race Etappe 3 - 2023

By Matthew Crowe  -  22 May 2024

Die Zuschauer an der V&A Waterfront wurden Zeuge eines spannenden Rennens im Hafen, bevor die Teams die beschwerliche 12.750 Meilen lange dritte Etappe des Ocean Race nach Itajai, Brasilien, in Angriff nahmen.

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Square image of five ships sailing at sea, with the town of Mindelo in the background, as they set off on the Ocean Race second leg 2023.//© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Charles Drapeau Five ships sailing at sea, with the town of Mindelo in the background, as they set off on the Ocean Race second leg 2023.//© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Charles Drapeau
© GUYOT environment - Team Europe | Charles Drapeau

Ocean Race Etappe 2 - 2023

By Matthew Crowe  -  22 May 2024

Die 2. Etappe von Mindelo nach Kapstadt begann ruhig, ganz im Gegensatz zu den rauen Elementen, denen die Crews auf der ersten Etappe ausgesetzt waren.

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